Monday, December 7, 2009

Tweeting Groom

I'm not sure if the Tweeting and Facebooking Groom is falling under the criticism of McLuhan. If nothing else, it seems as if his doing this was done with a sense of humor and even satire. When watching the video, never did it cross my mind that he was doing this seriously or that he honestly really felt the need to update his status. Doesn't this actually signify a critical view of these uses of these technologies? In doing this, the groom is satirizing the people who feel the need to update their feeds endlessly on Facebook with such useless and inane information such as their relationship status. It's gotten to a point where your status on Facebook is nearly as important as your status in the real world. The groom seems to recognize this and at the opportune moment, decides to poke alittle fun. Would I have done something like this at my wedding? Hell no. Do I think it is a sign of the Twitter/Facebook apocalypse? Absolutely not.

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